Podcast - Surviving Overwhelming Pain with Nadine Pittam
We talk about grief, loss, loneliness, and Anoushka brings her unique and tender insight to help us all understand what it’s like when we are trying to survive the crisis of loss.
Podcast - This won't fix you with Nadine Pittam
We talk about the film Frozen and the dangers of suppression and the power of expression! We talk about how narratives that are spun about us, and the way experiences are framed in our lives – especially our childhoods – are key points influencing who we become.
My first experience of group analysis
This article will explore and examine group analytic theory through the lens of one author’s felt experience as a participant in a professional experiential group.
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Creativity: A Conscious Imaginative Approach
Commended in The Rozsika Parker Prize 2021
This paper explores psychoanalytic definitions of creativity and presents a creatively relational approach working with clients presenting with cultural issues and illustrates this with a clinical example
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Normativity, Marginality, and Deviance in a Psychiatric Placement: A Parallel Process
This article explores links between normativity, marginality, and deviance via my experiences, a trainee psychotherapist on a psychiatric placement in an American mental health emergency services unit.
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